Microfilm, Microfiche and Aperture Card Scanning
Microsystems has the ability to convert your microfilm library to a variety of digital image formats for use with your current information storage and retrieval system. We use Mekel and Wicks & Wilson film scanners and include image enhancement extras, at no charge. Extra’s like De-Skew, De-Speckle, Cropping and Automatic Density Adjustments, are all included in our price, where others only include these functions as options.
- Roll Film (16mm, 35mm)
- Microfiche
- Jackets
- Aperture Cards
Metadata can be generated from the microfiche title area, the roll and frame number for blipped roll film or directly from the images.
Archiving can come in a wide range of file formats including TIFF, PDF, JPEG (along with over 100 additional file formats). Metadata can come in virtually any format you desire. Media formats include CD-ROM, DVD, External Hard Drives, and more. Or forget about the media, and have Microsystems securely FTP your images and data to our Cloud Solution, Image Silo.
Other Document Management solutions include LAN and/or Web based, CD or DVD plug and play, Single workstations or your existing Electronic Content Management system.
Contact us for more information.